*** The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited.***
Eric Jensen’s Director’s Notes:
Here we are. Our third production outside of the Clift Building. We knew it was going to be difficult producing shows outside of our 25-year home, but no one told me it would be THIS difficult.
We decided to bring back one of our favorite Halloween parodies with many of the original cast members and many new actors. I can’t say how much I appreciate the caliber of talent we have.
Thank you to Jeannie Southwick, who provided a lovely space for rehearsals for many of the nights. We have been constantly checking temperatures, wearing masks, evaluating, and reevaluating whether we should even be producing shows or not. We are doing all of those things to try to bring entertainment to patrons along the Wasatch Front without putting our cast and crew at risk, while keeping our audiences safe.
We also kept getting emails and texts and instant messages pleading with us to please go back to work and do something to lighten the morale of Utahns in a safe manner. So that is exactly what we intend to keep doing.
Please sit back, strap on your mask, and enjoy a fun evening together safely. Laughter is the BEST medicine in these crazy times!
Thank You!
Thank you for your support of The Off Broadway Theatre
The Off Broadway Theatre Company thanks all our generous donors as well as the Draper Historic Theatre for partnering with us and providing the OBT with a new space to perform our shows.
We’d also like to thank and recognize Jeannie Southwick for her kindness and generosity in allowing our cast to use her dance studio for rehearsals and photo shoot.
Dracula vs. The Adamns Family is possible because of the love and support of many friends like you!

Executive Producers: Sandy Hubble Jensen & Eric R. Jensen
Producers: Jeff Driggs and Marc Lunt
Playwright and Director: Eric R. Jensen
Lyricist: Eric R. Jensen
Musical Director: Jessica Benson
Choreographers: Sebastian Smith and Eric R. Jensen
Assistant Choreographer: Kyra Furman
Stage Managers: Lee Wailes and Aimee McPhee
Sound & Light Tech: Erin Orr
Sound & Light Tech Intern: James Nielsen
Set Designers: Eric R. Jensen and Rob Reins
Costumers: Eric R. Jensen and Janice Jensen
Music and Sound Effects: Eric R. Jensen and Rob Reins
Digital Backdrop Projection Design: Nic Brown, Matthew Davids, and Rob Reins
Musical Recordings: Rob Reins
Prop Designers: Eric R. Jensen, Clint Lehmberg, and Rob Reins
Website: Dan Gillette, Nic Brown, and Sandy Jensen
Playbill: Nic Brown, Sandy Jensen, and Jeff Driggs
Poster & Photos: Nic Brown
Box Office: Sandy Hubble Jensen, Nola Camaliche, Megan Leonard, and Thelma Rother
Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Leonard
House Managers: Ed Rother, Thelma Rother, Jonathon King, Wendy Gilbertson, Jackson Maestas, and Manda Lujan
Concession Volunteers: Megan Leonard, Dann Goff, Ed Rother, Thelma Rother, Sally Rother, Zachary Rother, Jason Rother, Jonathon King, Dan McClellan, Jackson Maestas, Lee Wailes, Manda Lujan, Rachel Hunsaker, Marlo Anderson, Jeannie Southwick, Lindsay Simons, Michelle Thompson, Amy Bouck, Liz and Bob Halloran
Marketing Team: Jodi Miller, Aaron Hall, Jenna Hall, Denise Hassett, Chris Kennedy, Megan Leonard, Thelma Rother, Ed Rother, Sandy Hubble Jensen, Dory Peacock, Eric Jensen, and Jeff Driggs
Coming Soon!
November 6 – November 28

Eric Jensen as Dracula
Nathaniel Brown as Ghoulmez
Madison Grace as Morgue-ana
Jessica Duncan as Renee Field
Keenan Shafer as Thugsly
Sasha Southwick as Gwensday
Matthew Davids as Uncle Pester
Jessica Benson as Grammy
Garrett Medlock as Letch
Kat Balanzategui as Gladys Homesby
Juliet Wendels as Frankie Homesby
Jonathan Saul as Cousin Twit / Clownsy
Roman Southwick as Senior Patrol Leader
Sebastian Smith as Thang
Holly Chisholm as Little Camper
Cash Black as Little Camper
Sc. 1: Blank Stage
Sc. 2: Adamns Family Mansion
Sc. 3: Doorstep of the Mansion
Sc. 4: Adamns Family Mansion
Sc. 5: Doorstep of the Mansion
Sc. 6: Adamns Family Mansion
15-min Intermission
Sc. 1: The Forest at Scout Camp
Sc. 2: Adamns Family Mansion
Sc. 3: Dracula’s Castle
Sc. 4: Bell Tower
Sc. 5: Adamns Family Mansion
Want My Blood? Baby Don’t Hurt Me
The Adamns Family
Put A Spell on Her
Munster’s Dance
Always Feel Like Somebody’s Biting Me

Kat Balanzategui as Gladys Homesby
Kat is thrilled to be making her OBT debut! The OBT has been one of her family’s favorite theaters since she was little, but she never imagined making people laugh on that stage herself. Kat loves all things theatre and is currently studying Theatre Arts at Utah Valley University. Her favorite past roles include Leticia (Señora Tortuga), Sanchez (Peter and the Starcatcher), and Steele (A Piece of My Heart). She is grateful for the wonderful people in her life who have encouraged her to pursue this beautiful thing we call art.

Jessica Benson as Grammy / Musical Director
Jessica is excited to perform in her fifth production with OBT and fourth time music directing. She was last seen playing the role of Princess Laman and Boba Fetch in OBT’s Star Ward. As music director her most recent credit was Cutie And the Beast. She is thrilled to reprise her beloved role as Grammy in Dracula vs. Adamns Family with returning fellow cast members and new cast members. Jessica is humbled to share her passion for music and performing, growing in her comedic acting, and joining the two with the OBT family.

Cash Black as Little Camper
This is Cash’s debut with the OBT. He is seven years old and from Herriman, Utah. Cash loves singing, tumbling, quoting movies, and riding his bike. He’s very excited to participate in future shows with the OBT. Cash loves writing songs and hopes to have a career writing and performing songs for commercials and video games someday.

Nathaniel Brown as Ghoulmez
Nathaniel Brown is thrilled to return to the OBT and play Ghoulmez once again! Utah credits include The Drowsy Chaperone at the SCERA, The Scarlet Pimpernel at the Hale Center Theater in Orem, and Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde in Lehi. National tours include Sleeping Beauty and eLeMeNO-P, and currently you can catch him across the world in the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. Nate thanks Britt, Cole, Riian, Jackson, and Izzy for their love and support.

Holly Chisholm as Little Camper
Holly loves to perform, especially with the OBT. Dracula vs the Adamns Family is Holly’s third show with this theatre. She has also appeared in Star Ward and It’s a Wondrous Life. Holly is always smiling, and she loves sharing her excitement for life with others. When she is not acting, she enjoys singing, dancing, bike riding, baking, and painting.

Matthew Davids as Uncle Pester
Matthew is delighted to be performing in another show at the OBT. He was last seen as Judas in Godspell for the Box Theater. He’s very glad to once again be part of the Adamns Family and do his part in defeating the very scary Count Dracula.

Jessica Duncan as Renee Field
Jessica is thrilled to be making her Off Broadway Theatre debut here at the Draper Historic Theatre. Most recently she’s performed in “Quarantunes” at DHT. You may also remember her as the notorious Rita La Porta in DHT’s Lucky Stiff. She has also performed in numerous productions at Scera Center for the Arts, Outdoor Scera Shell, and Lehi Arts Center. During the day, she teaches 6th grade at Granger Elementary in West Valley. She thanks her cast and crew for this opportunity and her family and friends for their continuous love and support. Enjoy the show!

Madison Grace as Morgue-ana
Madison Grace, a recent graduate of AMDA College of the Performing Arts in Los Angeles, has been performing in Utah for a year now and is excited to get back on the theater grind! Enjoy the show!

Eric Jensen as Dracula / Playwright and Director
Eric has been performing in plays at the Off Broadway Theatre for more than 25 years. Before that he worked at Hale Centre Theatre WVC for five years. He was also an actor, director, and playwright at Desert Star Playhouse for six years. 1n 1994, he and his wife, Sandy, became co-founders of the Off Broadway Theatre, and since then he has directed and produced at OBT and for many other theaters in the valley. He is so grateful to have a new home here at DHT. Eric thanks his lovely family, Sandy and Austinn, for their patience and support throughout the years.

Garrett Medlock as Letch
Garrett is thrilled to make his OBT debut in Dracula vs. The Adamns Family! When not Lerch-ing around the stage, you can find him singing in choirs and operas, writing music, hiking, or hanging out with his boyfriend and cat.

Jonathan Saul as Cousin Twit / Clownsy
Jonathan is super excited to be performing with the OBT! He is relatively new to the theater scene and believes that this role in this comedy is a great launchpad to his aspirations of being a funny guy. Jonathan has performed at the Draper Historic Theatre in a number of other productions, like A Christmas Carol and Not Yet, Pista. Jonathan is thrilled to be working alongside an incredibly hilarious and versatile cast!

Keenan Shafer as Thugsly
Keenan is excited to work with the OBT once more. He has worked in a few recent plays and is excited to be back in the action. With school being a pain, the OBT is a great way for him to calm down and socially interact with other humans.

Sebastian Smith as Thang / Choreographer
Sebastian has been with the OBT for three years now, acting, assistant directing, writing, building sets, and doing choreography and music. He is a student of comedy and theater, with more than 15 years of practical application, including doing stand-up at local venues and in virtual comedy mics. The OBT is Sebastian’s home here in Salt Lake and he thanks everyone involved, and the massive support system he has gained from being a part of this extraordinary theater. He gives particular thanks to his dad, Ben Smith, for the massive support and love he has given Sebastian while he has pursued his dream. “I wouldn’t be able to do what I do today without you, Dad.”

Roman Southwick as Senior Patrol Leader
Roman looooooves the theater, and when he’s not looking for his socks, shoes, underwear, Disney t-shirts, pants or pretty much everything he owns except his head because luckily it’s attached or otherwise he’d be looking for that too…he’s there! He also really loves Disney. ANYTHING Disney. At one point his life’s ambition was to be the popcorn guy on Disney main street—he used this as reasoning for skipping school until he realized math would be necessary to make change. This kid is going places for sure!

Sasha Southwick as Gwensday
Sasha is a real go-getter! Mostly because she makes her brother go-getter everything she wants! Seriously though, she loves theater and can’t wait to get to rehearsals each night—she knows almost every song from every musical on Broadway and with a little luck she’ll be there with her name in lights singing them too! Her future plans also include law school, so watch out, theater world: this girl will be able to write her own contracts complete with lots and lots of fine print…

Juliet Wendels as Frankie Homesby
Juliet is super excited to be in her first production with the Off Broadway Theatre. She has been performing for more than 20 years and has been in many different plays, including Annie, Into the Woods, Singing in The Rain, and A Christmas Carol. She has been an extra in various Lifetime and Hallmark movies. When she’s not performing, she enjoys spending time with her husband and 12-year-old daughter. She hopes this production will make you laugh and help you to feel some light-heartedness during these uncertain times. Enjoy the show!!

Erin Orr – Sound and Light Technician
Erin has been with the OBT for about 11 years now and is always excited to be a part of the shows in any way. She is excited to return to the booth running lights and sound. You may have seen her in Star Ward as a Morm Trooper. Enjoy the show!

Lee Wailes – Stage Manager
Lee hopes you’ll enjoy the show as much as he does and that you will keep coming back to our new home in Draper. The OBT is grateful for Lee’s support and stage managing once again at the DHT stage and appreciates his dedication and hard work. He’s been with the OBT for more than seven years now.

Aimee McPhee – Stage Manager
Aimee is happy to be continuing her work with the OBT, making her debut as a stage manager. She has never hesitated to take the stage and give it all she’s got in her performances. The stage will always be her home, but she is ready to build her skills behind the scenes as well. “All the world’s a stage” (William Shakespeare)….Wait! Where are my actors? And who moved the props? Oh boy.
Want to volunteer? We need you! Be a part of the OBT family!
Volunteer opportunities include:
- Box office services
- Costume design
- Concessions help
- Marketing
- Set design/building
- Stage managers
- Sound and light techs
- Ushers
Send an email to obt1994@hotmail.com
Jim Morgan, trustee and chair
Marc Lunt, trustee and vice chair
Janet Gonzalez, trustee and secretary
Jeff Driggs, trustee
Bing Fang, trustee
Sandy Hubble Jensen, trustee
Clarence Strohn, trustee
Eric R. Jensen, Artistic & Technical Director
Sandy Hubble Jensen, Executive Director
Bing Fang, Chief Financial Officer
Kevin Hicks, Treasurer
Megan Leonard, Volunteer Coordinator
Aaron Bellis, consultant
Nic Brown, consultant
Austinn Jensen, consultant
Scott Hansen, consultant
Jeff Hunsaker, consultant
Daniel Gillette, consultant